Each wedding and specialty cake is individually designed so prices vary depending on the number of guests and the design of the cake. Prices begin at $3.75 per serving. There may be additional charges for complex designs, fondant, or gum paste decorations. Cupcakes begin at $2.75 each.
Madagascar Vanilla
Belgian Dark Chocolate
Lemon Poppyseed
Mocha Chocolate Chip
Southern Red Velvet
Washington Apple Spice
Old Fashioned Carrot
Toasted Coconut
Red Raspberry
Bavarian Cream
Lemon Cream
Dark Chocolate Mousse
White Choc Cream Cheese
Chocolate Truffle
Idaho Huckleberry
Coconut Cream
Caramel Mousse
Italian Buttercream
Chocolate Buttercream
Rolled Fondant
Chocolate Ganache
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